Sunday, December 2, 2007


Here is our finished sunroom! Thanks to Dave and Jaymee for building it; mom, jamey and jaymee for painting it and to Kenny and Mike and their famillies for PAYING FOR IT! Melanie Stroud cleaned up all the mess and brought all the furninture back in. It looks awesome! THanks everyone!!


Katie Price said...

Oh my goodness Shel it looks AWESOME! You have some awesome family on Jaymee's side. That Price side kind of sucks though. But you have to stay in that house forever because I love it. Every time I wear my O'Fallon sweatshirt I wish I was there. Could be because I haven't washed it since I was there so it smells like your laundry detergent. Love you!

Andrea said...

Wow! That is awesome! I'm so glad you have it. Can't wait to come sit in it with you.

Stephen said...

Shelby, It was good to hear from you on my family's blog. Sorry it took me so long to catch up with you. I hardly ever go there, and never read the comments; but Emily found your comment.

I had not heard about the cancer; but I was very glad to see that it looks like remission.

Where do you guys live? Emily and I just moved up to Provo -- I got a job with BYU.

Say hello to your mother and your family. It was good to read their comments and see how you have pulled together.